You will need to obtain house insurance, and potentially mortgage insurance. Just like your financed car, your mortgagee needs to be protected, as well as your house, if anything were to damage it. This cost will vary with the house, age, condition, etc. But be prepared to pay a couple of hundred dollars a month. I also 100% suggest getting an inspection done. This is usually around $400-$500. The inspector will do the dirty work and find out what’s going on INSIDE the house. They will typically check the attic, the roof, the foundation, the insulation, the electrical systems, the heating and cooling systems, as well as the more obvious issues that need to be addressed, like a stair rail needing replacement.
You will also need a lawyer. The lawyer is the person that handles the transferring of title on closing, and also has the ability to check for any hidden issues with the ownership of the house. The lawyer handles the disbursement of funds, and helps to make your closing date as smooth as possible. This will cost you at least $1000-$1500.
I always recommend having extra money set aside should anything pop up on closing day. There may be adjustments on the closing date that require you to do certain things, ie) pay for a percentage of the filled propane tank. That’s an extra couple hundred dollars. Also the moving truck and moving fees, land transfer tax if you’re not a first time buyer. Everything adds up. Be prepared.'